
Glorious Content

The Need for Business Algorithms

The Need for Business Algorithms

A while back, I published a small post on business algorithms. I have been receiving some feedback on the subject, and several people have asked me to elaborate.  This will likely be more than one article here since those who reached out are from various professions and industries. And, there is not just one algorithm

Damn Salespeople Don’t Know What the !_^_$#@! They’re Doing!

Damn Salespeople Don’t Know What the !&^%$#@! They’re Doing!

Damn Salespeople Don’t Know What the!&^%$#@! They’re Doing! That could very well be true. Yet in the course of working with companies seeking to improve their sales and sales team performance, I have observed a disturbing and far-too-common behavior within what I will call the sales culture of these companies: Poor sales are often the

Networking on Steroids Connect with a Connector

Networking on Steroids: Connect with a Connector

Networking: What is purported to be the foundation of business success. After all, it’s WHO you know that matters, isn’t it? The real question is: HOW do you get to know WHO you need to know? You connect with a Connector. Becoming a connector was one of the best career decisions I ever made. Not