What is Human Resource Management or HRM?

The popularity of terms such as Human Resource Management, Employee Relations, or Personnel Management has drastically increased. Media uses them more, experts use them all the time, and even those who have nothing to do with the topic started using them, or at least heard about them. From casual courses to academic classes, everybody is […]
Who is a Commission Sales Representative

Sales representatives play a crucial role in a company’s development and prosperity. That is why you should always try to keep them around. But if your company is not collaborating with full-time sales representatives, it may be working with commission sales representatives. What are commission sales representatives, and how does their presence benefit your company […]
6 Reasons Why It Is Important to Hire Good Sales Representatives

A good sales representative is a crucial figure in many companies due to numerous reasons that include both the economic side of the business but also the company culture and atmosphere of growth. Many successful companies and their CEOs have been openly discussing that their sales team is prosperous thanks to the great sales teams […]
Sales Associate – Description, Requirements, and Responsibilities

When selling a product, a customer’s first contact with your business should be pleasant and sales-encouraging. But not everyone can create an experience worthy of spending money. Some people naturally drive customers away, whereas others are quite the opposite; customers just love them and are ready to buy whatever is offered. It is said that […]
Different Types of Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives

One of the current misconceptions about pharmaceutical sales representatives is that their job position is connected to only one form of sales and that these professionals do not have any specialization. In reality, this is not a very accurate representation of the situation. Several sales representatives are distinctive by the product they sell, the target […]
What Skills and Traits Should Sales Consultants Have

Sales consultants are considered the backbone of the company, so their skills and traits are the centers of the company’s success. Their role is essential to the company’s revenues, an increase in profit, and maintenance of income flow. Therefore many CEOs seek to find the best candidates for the sales consultant position and ensure that […]
One-Way Video Interview as a Recruitment Tool

A one-way video interview is a unique form used in recruitment processes for many industries. It is video material known asynchronous interviews, which means the candidate answers questions on their own time via a webcam or mobile application. Later, the hiring managers or the person in charge will review it. The uniqueness of this form […]
A Remote Sales Team: The Science Behind The Phenomenon

What is a remote sales team? The answer to this question is simple: It is a virtual team of salespeople employed by the same company that works from home or rarely meets in a shared space. This trend has existed since digitalization took part in our everyday business, but its expansion was evident during Covid. […]
The Sales Team: The Force Behind Companies’ Success

Many companies consider a great sales team key to their success. We rarely stumble upon those that will openly tell you about what a sales team is, how to create it, and what is the secret behind their sales team’s success. A sales department promotes the growth of the company and customer retention. A sales […]
Tips for Hiring a Sales Consultant

There are many tips for the process of hiring a sales consultant. But before that, you need to perform extensive assessments and analyses of your business’s needs, and then if you have decided to hire a consultant, you have entered the next phase of its advancement. This new stage generally requires entering into the hiring […]